Under the rejected Proposition F, landlords would have been fined if they rented out their homes short-term for more than 75 days a year.
The result of the poll was closer than anticipated.
Proposition F would have seriously affected its operations in San Francisco, so the company spent $8m (£5.2m) on a "No on Prop F" campaign.
The "Yes" campaign, which lost by about 13,500 votes (5%), had just $1m (£650,000) funding.
Proposition F has been defeated, but despite the huge amount of money invested by AirBnB, the result was still pretty tight.
Dale Carlson, the "Yes" spokesman, had expected to be "completely blown out" in the vote.
In the end, there was only 5% in it, and that isn't much.
Given that regulators here now plan to use different legislative methods to limit AirBnB in San Francisco, this result may actually play in their favour.
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